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What is the topic you are covering?

In my Documentary for my Final Major Project, i will be cover the topic of ASD (Autistic Spectrum Disorder). Focusing on the experiences that I have had and covering the wider subject and also my high school experience, where I developed it.  I will speak to people who were with me during the development of ASD and talk to them about my experience. I will explore the coping strategies I developed. 


The structure will be:

  • What is it

  • My experience

  • How I coped

  • A conclusion that shows solutions   


What kind of research will I do?

When I do my research to find my information I need to do different types of research methods to find similar or even different answers. I plan to conduct four pieces of primary research and five pieces is secondary research overall. All research needs to be quantitative and qualitative.



How am I going to research my topic:


My research needs to be three primary qualitative pieces of research. I’m going to do this by using interview, social media and a questionnaire. I use these to find information on the subject and the personal opinions on it by the people i know.


Interview:  with College support 


Interview With parents


Social Media Survey:  To understand peoples knowledge of the subject and any misunderstandings they could have.


Questionnaire:  What people know about symptoms and the signs of ASD 



Another part of research needed will be two pieces of Secondary qualitative research. I shall do this by: browsing through the internet on the subject and searching via YouTube on other peoples opinions around the world on the topic. 


And the final pieces of this research will need to be in the in the genre of secondary quantitative research. I will do this by: looking through news related to the subject and through radio/TV and using new broadcasts and use them to my advantage. 



In conclusion, I believe that these methods of research that I will be using to find my information will be very crucial to the topic that I will be talking about in my documentary. even though this documentary is about my experiences I believe that the information i find will benefit me and my project.


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