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I will be explaining about the context of the article I have analysed on the bbc platform. I have chosen a specific article which is the Acid attack that happened in a night club located in London. The reason I chose this article in particular is because that this incident has happened recently and has become on then headlines of the news articles online and on the papers. Hopefully on researching this topic on all three ways news can be published, it could give me ideas on how I can present my own news story and how I can be effective on reporting a news story. 





When it comes to audiences or civilians to be attracted to an online new article, the first line they read of the article is the title of the page. The title is very important to the online article, because the title is the USP (Unique Selling Point). The Unique Selling points purpose it to attract audiences to continue reading the online article. Another way to make a one new article to catch the eye of the consumer is to add an image that is relevant to the news stories. They do this to show to the audience that there is physical evidence on the story. For example, on the topic I am researching on the image of the news article is a man whom is a victim to the attack and the subtitle show that "His helmet has saved his life" New article publishers do this to make the audience curious about how the citizen has survived such a devastating attack. Another way the presenters of the article show that the story is real is that they show a lot of analytics to show hard evidence on the topic that’s been took place in the article. The analytics is a line graph showing on how many acid attacks have took place over the years and the graph is presenting that acid attacks are increasing over the years. This is to show how dangerous and common acid attacks could be around London.   





The visual version of this story starts off with a collective of images of the incident and the victims to show how serious the situation is and to catch the audience off guard to watch more of the story. Later in the visual, they introduce one of the victims (This victim is wearing a mask to hide the damage that has been done to him) to the acid attack and start interviewing him. They do this to give the audience and emotional feel for the victim and to show how devastating the attack was and how life changing It could be to the survivor. The narrator of the visual also explains to the audience how dangerous and accessible acid could be to public. They do this to show fear to the audience so that they can keep watching and know more information on how to avoid such an attack. Visual news can also show analytics to the story to show to the audience is that don’t read news articles online to spread The information as far as possible.                 





On the audio version of the story, they explain the aftermath of the acid attack and what has happened to the actual location of where it began. The presenters of newbeat sound very enthusiastic or trying to sound interesting when they speak. They do this to try and get the audiences attention and to sound interesting to people who are on the road. Later on in the radio presentation, they added a little interview of someone who adds a little more information on the situation, they do this to give more of the people who know about the accident more information on the aftermath. Finally, the audio explains on how many people have been injured in the incident to strike a little bit of fear into the audience to give them attention To the story. 





Inconclusion, this article that I have is a great example for how to publish a news topic to a big audience. For example: radio the presenters need to sound interesting to get the audiences attention, online articles need to have images to prove that the story is real and how dangerous/believable it is and finally TV reporting news need to have information or even interviews of people who have experienced an incident or an event. Put in research on this topic on the visuals, the audio, and the article online. Gives me a great advantage and knowledge of what I should do on my actual News reporting project.  







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