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On my news report I will be covering the topic of YouTube taking over the mainstream television industry 


I will be making the visual by risk assessment of the areas that I will be filming. These areas are; A Mac room, the bottom of town near the RSC and in college campus. During the audio aspect I will risk asses the radio studio because that where we are going to record the project. Then on the text forum of the report there will be no risk assessment needed but I will add a bunch of information and/or charts to shows that the main topic has strong evidence. Before doing any of the rest assessments; I will be making a script for the radio, visual and text to make them different and stand out instead of being a copy paste on each project. 



Now the question that is stirring around the media is "is televisions biggest online competitor known as YouTube, taking over the mainstream media?"  


Right now, internet entertainment is growing bigger by the day and it is becoming more noticeable than television entertainment. But how big is this industry? 


*interview 1*  (Jay)


*interview 2*  (Matt)


*interview 3*  (joe)


*Show graphic of research results* Many researchers found out that teenagers and children above the age of 6 would rather watch shows on their own tablet or hand-held device than on television


*interview 4* "phones and other hand-held devices are more accessible and can be used on the go that is probably why this platform of entertainment is overtaking tv


Many say that television entertainment may soon die out thanks to the popularity of online entertainment and possibly move on to a video platform on the internet in the future. 


Jan Wright, BBC News 

Location reece:


My insperation for my video production would be the morning news outlet known as 'Good Morning Britan.' This is my insperation because I mostly watch this programme​ in the morning everytime I wake up. So I know what shots they use and what kind of stories they feature.

shot list:

  • Close up

  • Mid body shot

  • Long body shot

  • Walk up to the camera shot


floor plan (Outside):

Risk Assessment:

Planning schedule:



*introduction music in background* 


Is the online video platform YouTube taking over mainstream media?  


*sound effect to the name of the radio* 


People are wondering if YouTube or other online video platforms are taking over mainstream television? Many researchers say that mobile phones are more viewed than television itself. Is this the work of YouTube?  


*interview on opinion of the topic*


Researchers say that children at the age range of six to thirteen years, over 60% of those kids would rather go back on their handheld device than having ice cream. this shows how much children are getting attached to social media 


more news at 7


*sound effect to the name of the radio as outro* 





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